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'From ME to You, With Love' Nominations Project

The 'From ME to You, With Love' Awards Project has been inspired by those letters in the book which recognise the amazing people who make a difference. It may be that they are someone who has gone the extra mile to support an ME sufferer, or they might be a sufferer of ME who is a real inspiration for whatever reason. It could be a doctor who has listened and believed you or someone you know with ME, it could be a teacher who has given a young ME sufferer the best chance to shine that they could, or it could be a carer, relative or friend who has simply always been there. If you know an ME sufferer who inspires others by making the very best of their situation, who always manages to crack a smile even on the worst days or just continues to fight on a daily basis, you may wish to nominate them.


When you nominate someone by filling out the form below, they will receive a personalised certificate in the post, along with a letter explaining why they have been nominated and just how amazing they are. 


Over the coming months, it is hoped that the nominations received can form the basis for a new book which solely focuses on those people who bring a sparkle to the lives of ME sufferers. If you do not want to make a nomination but would like to contribute to the new book idea, please get in touch with Louise by using the form on the 'Contact' section of the website.


Happy nominating! 


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